8th June | 9am | Radisson hotel in Jersey

Mark Anthony became one of the world's top salespeople and a sought-after speaker and author when he discovered our innate ability to become resilient irrespective of our circumstances or the challenges we have had to face.

Now he wants to share what he discovered with you.

“An authentic and deeply moving experience that filled me with hope, and provided me with the tools and knowledge I needed to overcome what I thought I would be paralysed by forever”.

Melanie Smythe. Liverpool.

Mark's expertise in resilience is rooted in his personal experience of enduring 20 years of physical and mental abuse, as well as surviving three attempts on his life. Through these harrowing experiences. Mark developed a deep understanding of the power of the mind and its critical role in overcoming adversity.

Drawing on his hard-won insights, Mark has helped countless individuals and organisations build their inner strength, overcome obstacles, and achieve their goals using the tools and insights he discovered at a very young age when his mind switched to survival mode due to the severe and often unspeakable trauma he endured at the hands of his father.

Mark`s talks offer a real-world perspective and a clear path to becoming unstoppable when facing even the most daunting of challenges.

He believes everyone can develop resilience as our spirits are forged in the fires of adversity which unleashes the indomitable human spirit that lies within each of us. If we are aware of the powerful principles that foster the growth of a resilient mindset.

Mark's first book “An Unbreakable Spirit” is described as one of the ultimate books on developing resilience.

Available as a workshop, keynote speech or as part of a coaching program.

During this powerful workshop you will,

Hear Marks personal account of his journey to resilience.

Discover the ten principles that help us develop unshakeable resilience.

  1. Why acceptance is the starting point.

  2. The role of visualisation in resilience.

  3. The power of focus.

  4. Why “Belief” is a key factor in developing unshakeable resilience.

  5. How a lack of resilience keeps us stuck and how to free yourself.

  6. Using the power of expectation.

  7. The power of perception.

  8. Mental regeneration.

  9. Mindset and purpose 10.

  10. Accept and adjust.

Mark Anthony is one of the UK`S leading authorities on developing unshakeable resilience.

We are pleased to invite you to attend a half day seminar at the Radisson hotel in Jersey on June 8th from 9 am.

This course is also available in-house as a keynote speech, coaching or workshop internationally or as a virtual event.

To book your place, please fill out the form below.

Book Your Place Today

Only £275

Unshakeable Resilience
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Mark Baker

Speaker | Author | Coach

Mark Baker is widely regarded as one of the worlds most sought after speakers, but that description barely scratches the surface of what he really delivers because he is a sales speaker, a Success & Mindset speaker and one of THE most inspirational Speakers’ you will ever hear in your entire life!

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