With the Imprint Phenomenon online course.

"The most powerful online course for creating unstoppable self-belief that you will find anywhere".

Penelope Morgan

Do you find yourself procrastinating about things you want to achieve in life, often indefinitely?

It's not a nice feeling is it; you know life can and should be more exciting and rewarding, but you just can't seem to ever get any closer to the goal.

leaving you frustrated., unhappy and disillusioned with life as a sense of helplessness seems to wash over you like a tidal wave that just can't be stopped.

If I seem to describe these feelings a little too well, it's because this was how I felt for many years. I devoured self-help books by the case full, but none of them ever seemed to fulfil their promise of helping me reach the levels of success that they all promised. (Sound familiar)

That was until one day I was reading about limiting beliefs and I felt that the book was talking to me personally, as what it described in perfect detail was the limited and frustrating life that I was living.

That paragraph led me on a journey that has lasted twenty-eight years so far, which not only allowed me to transform my life from a life of limitations but has provided me with the privilege of helping thousands of people all around the world to eradicate the limiting beliefs that have restricted them and prevented them from living the lives that they could previously only dream about.

"Mark Anthony is the Godfather of inspiration"

Jodi Sykes

This is your opportunity to discover a course that can and will change your life forever just as it did mine, the difference is that you don't have to spend decades of your life unravelling the secrets of the mind to reveal the two most powerful forces in the world.

The power of belief and expectation and how to use them to achieve everything that you want in life.

Why are these two forces so undeniably powerful and necessary in helping us achieve all that we desire?

In a nutshell, it's simply this.

Belief is the driving force in our lives


We never get what we want, but we always get what we expect.

This could be a promotion at work.

Asking someone to marry you.

Winning at sport.

And anything else that you want to achieve in your life.

"Never change a word of your incredible life story"

Joe Gandolfo. World’s greatest salesman

How many times have you been met with a disappointing and sometimes soul-destroying "NO" when you have undertaken one of the tasks mentioned above?

When you did, I can tell you what you said to yourself after failing to get the outcome for which you had hoped.

You said something along the lines of

"At last, a course that delivers on its promise, or more aptly exceeds all expectations and massively over delivers, it's the best investment in myself that I have ever made."

Daniel Viera.

"I didn't expect to get the promotion"


"I didn't believe I could win"


"I never expected her to say yes"

The answer to your challenge was in the very words you used, but you failed to realise it at the time.

You never believed or expected to succeed which created a negative self-fulfilling prophecy in your life.

"The man who taught the world how to believe"

Billy Schwer. World IBO boxing champion.

You see the life that you desire is on the other side of your current beliefs and expectations, I promise you that.

Belief and expectation are the keys to achievement, and these two undeniably powerful forces will have a dramatic effect on your life.

Dr Henry Beecher from Harvard said.

"Our belief in our recovery is the biggest factor in our recovery"

I'm living proof of that as when I had cancer ten years ago, I was told that I had about a 15% chance of survival and a 90% chance of a brain tumour within two years if I made it that far, due to being misdiagnosed twice!

"If you need more self-belief in your life then this course is for you"

Alexander Reid. Actor

Not encouraging, but regardless of my prognosis I believed and expected that I would survive, I never believed I would die, not even for a moment.

Ten years later and I have never been better, my consultant says that I am the only person he has ever come across to survive my prognosis anywhere in the world.

Yes, I also had treatment but as Dr Beecher said, it's our belief and expectation in our recovery that is the biggest factor in our survival.

But it wasn't just me that believed it, my family also had the same level of belief in my recovery so I didn't experience any concerning looks or tears or cues that would send messages to my subconscious that I was at risk of dying.

I consider it my mission to bring the power of belief and expectation into your life, something that I have dedicated my life to for twenty-eight years and it doesn't just work, it's truly transformational!

I am going to make it as easy as possible for everyone reading this to learn about the power of belief and expectation and for you to learn how to unleash these two powerful and irrefutably life-changing forces in your life, by making this online course affordable for everyone.

% chance of survival and a 90% chance of a brain tumour within two years if I made it that far, due to being misdiagnosed twice!

This course retails for £997, but today as a special one-off and never to be repeated opportunity you can have the entire course for just £147.

This is the special pre-course launch offer, the course itself will be with you in the next sixty days after we have finished adding some extra life-changing content that is listed below.

If you need more self-belief in your life, then I urge you not to let this opportunity pass you by as it's only available at this price while you are on this page.

This is your chance to invest in yourself and change your life forever.

Your journey towards unstoppable self-belief begins here!

"Inspirational to another level"

Christine Palmer

In this life-changing course, you will discover.

Part 1.The Imprint Period: Psychological Magic!

Discover how you were programmed during the first seven years of your life and the impact that this has had on you right up until this point in your life.

This is truly eye-opening information that will make everything make sense as you discover where the beliefs come from that shape your life today.

Discover if you were subjected to Pygmalion or the Golem effect during your formative years.

How do we create self-fulfilling prophecies in our lives?

How expectations shape your performance.

"Inspirational to another level"

Christine Palmer

Part 2. It's So Simple A Horse Can Do It!

Understanding the power expectation has on you, children and even employees and friends.

Learn how the language you use has a positive or negative effect on your life.

How subconscious cues from others affect us and how we send out subconscious messages that influence and affect others.

Why do we dwell on the negatives and take the positives in our lives for granted?

Applying Rosenthal's 4 factors for harnessing the power of expectation.

Part 3. Applying The Pygmalion Effect To Ourselves And Others

How to apply the power of expectation on ourselves and others.

Placing a shield around yourself to repel the negative influence of others.

What we accept as the truth becomes true for us.

The Rosenthal effect. The process.

Part Five - The Power of Belief

The Cliff Young story.

How and why we talk ourselves out of our divine greatness?

False beliefs that hold us back.

It is not enough just to want.

Discovering your why?

Part Six - Creating Your Future One Belief at a time.

How the media influences us both positively and negatively?

Guarding the mind against hidden persuaders.

How to create positive self-fulfilling prophecies in our lives.

How to utilise mentors in your life as a force for good.

Belief is the often-ignored source of personal power.

What our self-talk reveals to us.

Part Seven - Letting Go Of What No Longer Serves Us.

Deepening our understanding of beliefs by learning the fundamentals.

Three simple questions that will reveal your deep-seated beliefs.

Discovering the power of conviction.

Uncovering your beliefs about money and where they came from.

The power of the mind and using belief to foster good health.

Annie's story.

Part Eight - How To Change Beliefs and keep the change.

Laura's story.

Mindset secrets.

The most powerful belief-changing exercises in the world.

The power of rituals.

Part Nine - The Power Of Visualisation:

How I came to understand the power of visualisation.


You'll See It When You Believe it!

Process and outcome, are the ultimate way to get the most from visualisation.

Famous examples of visualisation.

Where every creation begins.

The power of structural tension.

How visualisation overrides beliefs.

Visualisation in sport.

Using the multi-sensory visualisation method to best effect.

How to avoid habitual poor use of visualisation.

The best time to visualise.

Why visualisation is so effective.


Part Ten - What We Focus On Expands

Discovering the power of focus.

Why the ability to focus is so important to success?

How our brain is influenced by what we focus on.

The power of the RAS.

How our beliefs create blind spots.

How perception affects our focus.


Part Eleven - The 5-second Secret That

Destroys Procrastination Forever.

Why do we procrastinate?

Why not all procrastination is bad?

The curse of perfectionism.

How do our beliefs cause us to procrastinate?

The consequences of procrastination.

The 5-second secret that ends procrastination forever.


"This is one of, if not the most powerful personal development courses I have ever taken, it has changed my life in every aspect that I have applied it to, it's simply awe-inspiring!"

Callum Fielding. New York .

Don't miss out, this low low price is a one-time offer only and is the culmination of 28 years of study and application.

Imprint Phenomenon online course.

Pre-order your course at a fantastic priceTransform Your Life
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The bundle also comes with a no-quibble, no questions asked 12-month money-back guarantee

If you are not 100% delighted with this investment in your future. Simply return it and we will refund 100% of your investment guaranteed.

That's not all, even if you return your kit, you can keep all of the bonuses you received as a thank you from us.

"To achieve great things, we must first believe that we can great things."

Mark Anthony Baker. The Belief Doctor

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