The Ultimate Team Building Event.

Struggling to build a cohesive team and retain staff?

Enter the only teambuilding event that is scientifically proven to bond people at a significantly deeper level than any other event of its kind.

Would your company benefit from increased bonding between staff?

Frustrated at the difficulty in getting them to come together for the good of a common company goal?

Would you like to see more camaraderie in your teams?

Would you finally like to see your teams operate in a unified way as opposed to a group of individuals operating from a point of self-interest?

If the answer to the above is yes, we have the ultimate solution!

(Read more) everything below this line is hidden.

The majority of team building events are pointless, make little or no difference and have no impact whatsoever!

Not really what you would expect to hear from a company that organises team building events is it?

After studying peak performance and what truly bonds people for over twenty-nine years I made a fascinating discovery.

People bond when they share a profound experience together, as soon as I realised this, I uncovered why regular team building events simply don’t work! What I learned has allowed me to enable long lasting results for my clients by facilitating profound experiences within teams that causes them to bond at a significantly deeper level.

But surprisingly it’s only recently that scientists have begun to examine just what makes these exercises work, exploring how shared adverse or perceived painful experiences can bond groups of people, even strangers together quickly and effectively.

Perceived danger, it appears, goes a long way in promoting what’s called pro sociality behaviour that fosters social trust, inclusion, and good feelings — all the kinds of things that make workplaces tick. Researchers conclude this makes teams more cooperative and creative.

The participants on the side-lines can feel the heat coming off those coals, and the anticipation can be terrifying, However, it also feels like an exhilarating challenge — and it’s this precise combination of fear and anticipation that makes these exercises work. On an individual, the sense of triumph can be transformational; on a group level, it’s about overcoming a challenge with team support and it’s this factor that creates cohesiveness and a deep sense of bonding amongst the group.

Studies have demonstrated that the perceived (And it is only perceived) pain and challenge of these exercises is a significant part of how they promote bonding. In 2014, psychologists in Australia, led by Brock Bastian, found that shared perceived painful experiences can solidify social bonds, and can even create trust among people who don’t know one another at all. I have seen this so many times at my public fire walks where participants are unknown to each other yet go onto to enjoy long lasting friendships when they hadn’t even met three hours previously.

Part of what’s happening in these activities is certainly physical. When we’re in a “high arousal state” of stress, fear, anticipation, and anxiety, our bodies are awash with neurotransmitters and hormones, including dopamine, oxytocin, and vasopressin. These have been linked to feelings of trust in those around you, reducing fear, and increasing empathy, and it seems to follow that extreme team-building exercises that tap into these reactions can promote extreme group bonding just as ours does.

So many people live small lives due to being fearful which causes them to act in limited ways which ultimately creates limited results. Our events foster feelings of fearlessness, and when life becomes fearless, life becomes limitless as individuals and as companies.

Our team building events take place over one full day at a peaceful and private location to allow us to completely contain the experience within the circle of people taking part in the event.

The bottom line is simply this, if you would like to achieve the kind of results we have described above, then this is the event for you.

“I thoroughly enjoyed your talk last night. I have attended a couple of Tony Robbins events as well as having seen Richard Bandler and Paul McKenna. All I can say is that the content of your talks is in line with the world’s best”! - Tony Pallot. Director. 4 Safety

“I Went fire walking tonight and saw it as the catwalk to the beginning of the end of my lack of belief in myself. I feel amazing and it was an amazing talk. Thanks Mark”! - Stefanie Marsh. Artist

“Thank you Mark you have truly inspired me; in ways I could never have imagined.” - Maureen Mc Cabe

“Marks talks are both inspirational and life changing.” - Maurice Nobrega. Manager. Cooperative society.

For a BBC Radio interview with two participants. Please click on the link

The tasks completed during your teambuilding event are as follows.

By the time we get to the physical tasks the participants will have listened to two hours of pure inspiration about the power of belief and expectation.

They will have discovered the blocks that have limited their potential and they are now ready to take on the physical tasks!

The Firewalk

Firewalking is a powerful and transformative activity for team building events. Here are some of the benefits of firewalking and how it can help break through limitations and bond teams:

Overcoming fear and limiting beliefs: Firewalking requires participants to confront and overcome their fear of walking on hot coals. By doing so, individuals experience a profound shift in their perception of what is possible. This process helps break through self-imposed limitations and encourages a "can-do" mindset. When team members witness their colleagues successfully firewalking, it inspires them to challenge their own limiting beliefs and step outside their comfort zones.

Building trust and camaraderie: Firewalking is a shared experience that requires trust and support from team members. Participants often form a circle or line before the firewalk, offering encouragement and creating a sense of unity. When individuals see their teammates taking the risk, they become more invested in their success. This shared vulnerability and support foster a deep sense of camaraderie and trust among team members.

Enhancing resilience and teamwork: Firewalking is a mentally and physically demanding activity that requires focus, concentration, and discipline. It pushes individuals to tap into their inner strength, face adversity, and stay committed to the task at hand. By going through this challenge together, team members learn to rely on each other, communicate effectively, and collaborate towards a common goal. This shared experience builds resilience and strengthens teamwork skills, which can be transferred to the workplace.Breaking through comfort zones: Firewalking pushes participants outside their comfort zones and into a space of growth and self-discovery. It encourages individuals to confront their fears, embrace uncertainty, and embrace new experiences. By engaging in this collective act of bravery, team members learn that they are capable of more than they initially thought, which can be transformative in their personal and professional lives.

Empowering mindset and motivation: Successfully firewalking can have a profound impact on an individual's mindset and motivation. It instils a sense of empowerment, as participants realize they have the ability to overcome challenges and achieve seemingly impossible goals. This newfound belief in oneself can translate into increased motivation, productivity, and a willingness to take on new challenges within the team and the workplace.

The Firewalk

Firewalking is a powerful and transformative activity for team building events. Here are some of the benefits of firewalking and how it can help break through limitations and bond teams:

1 - Overcoming fear and limiting beliefs: Firewalking requires participants to confront and overcome their fear of walking on hot coals. By doing so, individuals experience a profound shift in their perception of what is possible. This process helps break through self-imposed limitations and encourages a "can-do" mindset. When team members witness their colleagues successfully firewalking, it inspires them to challenge their own limiting beliefs and step outside their comfort zones.

2 - Building trust and camaraderie: Firewalking is a shared experience that requires trust and support from team members. Participants often form a circle or line before the firewalk, offering encouragement and creating a sense of unity. When individuals see their teammates taking the risk, they become more invested in their success. This shared vulnerability and support foster a deep sense of camaraderie and trust among team members.

3 - Enhancing resilience and teamwork: Firewalking is a mentally and physically demanding activity that requires focus, concentration, and discipline. It pushes individuals to tap into their inner strength, face adversity, and stay committed to the task at hand. By going through this challenge together, team members learn to rely on each other, communicate effectively, and collaborate towards a common goal. This shared experience builds resilience and strengthens teamwork skills, which can be transferred to the workplace.

4 - Breaking through comfort zones: Firewalking pushes participants outside their comfort zones and into a space of growth and self-discovery. It encourages individuals to confront their fears, embrace uncertainty, and embrace new experiences. By engaging in this collective act of bravery, team members learn that they are capable of more than they initially thought, which can be transformative in their personal and professional lives.

5 - Empowering mindset and motivation: Successfully firewalking can have a profound impact on an individual's mindset and motivation. It instils a sense of empowerment, as participants realize they have the ability to overcome challenges and achieve seemingly impossible goals. This newfound belief in oneself can translate into increased motivation, productivity, and a willingness to take on new challenges within the team and the workplace.

Overall, firewalking in the context of a team building event can help break through limitations and bond teams by fostering trust, encouraging resilience, promoting teamwork, and empowering individuals to step outside their comfort zones. It creates a shared experience that brings team members closer together and inspires them to push their boundaries, resulting in stronger relationships and a more united and motivated team.


Arrow breaking is a breakthrough exercise, literally!

The arrow is a metaphor for breaking through perceived limitations and is one of the most daunting of the tasks undertaken.

The arrow actually breaks quite easily when you place it in the small of your throat and walk into it with purpose and intent.

Which is exactly what it helps cultivate, purpose and intent in every task that the members of your team undertake which can significantly improve the quality of work and the pride taken in its achievement.

If you hesitate and only make a half-hearted attempt, you will feel a mild discomfort and the arrow won’t break.

Sometimes people need to make multiple attempts but when they realise that the only place that the arrow won’t break is within their own minds. It makes them question how many of their abilities are restricted by what they think and believe to be true of them.

The inevitable breakthrough is met with elation and excitement along with the cheers of support from their fellow team members.

Additionally, arrow breaking requires an elevated level of focus and concentration, which can help team members develop their mental resilience and overcome challenges. It also encourages individuals to take calculated risks, trust their instincts, and work together as a team to achieve a common goal.

Overall, arrow breaking is a powerful tool for promoting personal and team growth, developing leadership skills, and fostering a positive and supportive team culture.

Glass walking

Glass walking is a team building activity that involves walking barefoot over a bed of broken glass. Despite its seemingly dangerous nature, it is a safe and controlled activity that is designed to push participants out of their comfort zone and encourage them to overcome fear and self-doubt.

Participating in glass walking requires focus, concentration, and trust in oneself and the team. As a result, it promotes bonding among team members and fosters a sense of collective achievement. By facing a common challenge and supporting each other through it, team members build a stronger connection and a deeper understanding of each other's strengths and weaknesses.

Additionally, the experience of successfully walking over broken glass can be empowering and transformative, boosting participants' self-confidence and encouraging them to take on future challenges with a newfound sense of courage and resilience.

“Mark’s passion for authentic transformation in mindset regarding altering beliefs is infectious. it was clear he had a very positive impact on everyone’s life that night including my own.” - Tom Faulkner, Human health.

Mark Baker

Speaker | Author | Coach

Mark Baker is widely regarded as one of the worlds most sought after speakers, but that description barely scratches the surface of what he really delivers because he is a sales speaker, a Success & Mindset speaker and one of THE most inspirational Speakers’ you will ever hear in your entire life!

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