Engage, Captivate and Connect: How to Master the Art and Science of Business Storytelling

With Mark Anthony Baker one of the UK's leading business storytelling experts.

24th October 2024 | 9am - 1pm | Pomme D`or Hotel. St Helier.

The Neuroscience of Communication:

"Have you ever wondered why some stories stick with you while others fade rapidly into oblivion?

Thanks to neuroscience we now know more about the power of storytelling than we had previously known in all human history. It has revealed how stories tap into our emotions and memories more effectively than any other form of communication.

This has allowed us to discover the communication secrets of business giants like Elon Musk, Richard Branson and Steve Jobs, revealing how they forge deep emotional connections and created the most powerful presentations ever given in the world of business.

Now you can too!

“Hugely enjoyable session on the power of business storytelling”

Jacob Cockcroft. Butterfield Group

“The most incredible communication skills seminar I have ever attended.”
- William (Will) Stephenson. Financial Advisor.

Captivate, Connect and Persuade

Experience a transformative journey with our fast-paced seminar designed to elevate your business communication skills to new heights. It’s no secret that it is becoming significantly more challenging to be heard over an ever-increasing sea of noise in today's saturated business landscape. Where the same old business presentations blend in with little if any impact, effective communication is the key to standing out and making a lasting impression.

Neuroscience has proven without doubt that storytelling is the key to communication excellence that we have all been searching for. This seminar is your gateway to mastering the art of advanced communication, ensuring your message cuts through the noise and resonates powerfully with your audience.

At the heart of all of this lies the profound art of storytelling. In the business world, storytelling goes far beyond the tired and overused communication methods of the past; it's about creating emotional connections that engage and inspire and make us the most memorable person in the room.

You will discover the strategic process of crafting compelling stories that inform, motivate, and captivate. You'll learn techniques to reach your audience on an emotional level, making your messages not only heard but felt, remembered, and acted upon.

"Storytelling is the most powerful way to put ideas into the world today."


Robert McKee

Complex business concepts often get lost in technical jargon, but stories have the unique ability to make these ideas accessible and relatable. This seminar equips you with the skills to present your message in a way that resonates both intellectually and emotionally, driving your audience to action. Whether you're aiming to motivate your team, attract clients, promote your products or services, or become an inspiring leader. Mastering storytelling will transform your interactions and elevate your influence immeasurably.

Building long-lasting relationships is crucial in business, and this program emphasises the art of forging deeper connections through the strategic use of storytelling. You'll discover how to create stories that foster loyalty and positive engagement, essential components for sustained business success.

In an era where data-heavy presentations often lead to disengagement, learning to balance information with storytelling is a game-changer in the field of communication. This skill allows you to combine the emotional impact of storytelling with essential data, making your presentations memorable and impactful. By mastering this technique, you'll not only capture attention but also ensure your audience retains and recalls important information.

Join us at "Engage, Captivate, and Connect: The Storyteller's Guide to Presentation Mastery" and transform the way you communicate. This seminar is not just a learning opportunity; it's an essential step in revolutionising your business interactions. Ensure your message isn't just heard, but deeply felt and remembered.

Don't miss this chance to add a powerful tool to your business arsenal. Book your place now and take the first step towards mastering the art of business storytelling.

During this seminar, you will discover.

  • Why storytelling is the ultimate weapon in your communications war chest. Discover the science behind storytelling and the six ingredients that will transform your communication skills beyond recognition.

  • What Neuroscience has revealed about storytelling: Discover the compelling discoveries uncovered by neuroscience that reveal why storytelling is the ultimate communication superpower. I will reveal the long-awaited missing piece of the communication superpower.

  • The Chemical Reaction: Discover how stories release chemicals such as Oxytocin and how they create deeper connections and foster trust.

  • Emotional Engagement: Techniques for emotionally connecting with your audience, making your message more memorable, so that you can win the hearts and minds of your clients.

  • Crafting Your story: Learn how to captivate your audience in your opening sentence. (You only get a minute to grab their attention!

  • Understanding Your Audience: Learning to tailor relatable stories to different audiences, understanding their needs and expectations.

  • How Stories Humanise Us: Discover how stories make us more human and relatable to our audience.

  • The story framework (The key to crafting compelling stories): Discover the structure you must use to deliver a compelling message that the majority of presenters know nothing about and seldom, if ever, use.

  • Death by PowerPoint No More: Discover the 7 secrets to creating compelling PowerPoint presentations that get results.

  • Visual Storytelling: Incorporating visuals and making PowerPoint presentations memorable and compelling with these unique insights on how to effectively use slides with the greatest impact.

  • Ethical Storytelling: Understanding the ethical considerations and responsibilities in storytelling, such as authenticity and accuracy.

  • The power of metaphors, analogies, and anaphora: How to simplify complex information so that it becomes easily digestible and drives home your key points easily and effortlessly.

This presentation is available internationally as a Keynote, Seminar or Coaching Program.

“Marks program is a gamechanger in business communication”. Matt Power. London.

“If public speaking is an art, then Mark Baker is most definitely an artist, and he has much to teach us in the field of storytelling for business”. David Barnett


Book Your Place Today

Only £297


  • All attendees receive unlimited

    email access with Mark Anthony for

    30 days to support you during the implementation of the information shared in this Course. (VALUE £247.)


24th October 2024 | 9am - 1pm


Pomme D`or Hotel. St Helier.


9 a.m. Arrival. Welcome tea, coffee and pastries.

9.30 a.m. Course begins.

11 a.m. Refreshments.

1 p.m. Course concludes.

Power of Storytelling
No products available

Mark Baker

Speaker | Author | Coach

This program is available worldwide and can also be delivered virtually, as a keynote speech or as an individual or group coaching program.

If you would like further information, please email us at info@thebeliefdoctor.net Or visit www.thebeliefdoctor.net

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